Reading, References and Ideas

The Art of Doing Less


Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu

Power, People and Planet, Podcast with Kumi Naidoo: Intersectionality: The Missing Link For Justice, 24 January 2032.

‘Artists must confront the climate crisis – we must write as if these are the last days,’ Ben Okri, in the Guardian, 12 November 2021.

‘What I mean by post-activism, Bayo Akomolafe, 

The Persuaders: At the frontlines of the fight for hearts, minds and democracy, Anand Giridharadas. (In conversation with Anat Shenker-Osorio) 

What Lies Beneath: Movement, The Rights Studio and CRIN. Download or read online here: 

Further reading

The Lazy Report, It’s Nice That, Insights. Download for free here.  

Letters to a Young Poet, Rainer Maria Rilke.

The Famished Road, Ben Okri.

The Scent of Time: A Philosophical Essay on the Art of Lingering, Byung-Chul Han.

The Artist as Visionary


‘Imagining the Future Is Just Another Form of Memory,’ By Julie Beck, The Atlantic, October 17, 2017.

‘The Power of Antagonistic Cooperation: Albert Murray on Heroism and How Storytelling Redeems Our Broken Cultural Mythology,’ Maria Popova, The Marginalian.

‘How to Survive in Broken Worlds: Jesmyn Ward on Octavia Butler’s Empathy and Optimism, Jesmyn Ward,’ Literary Hub, December 7, 2022.

What is Speculative Fiction?’ ‘Gregory D. Welch, The Writing Cooperative.

‘Octavia Butler: Visionary Fiction,’ Throughline Podcast, NPR, August 26, 2021.

‘Octavia’s Brood,’ Radical science & speculative fiction, Allied Media Partners

Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, Sherri Mitchell.

Further Resources

My Seditious Heart, Collected Nonfiction, Arundhati Roy.

“Ai Weiwei interview: ‘In human history, there’s never been a moment like this’”

Monica Tan, The Guardian, 10 Dec 2015 

“What is ‘Visionary Fiction’?: An Interview with Walidah Imarisha,” Exterminating Angel Press, creative solutions for practical idealists.

‘Eight Works of Visionary Fiction That Help Us Imagine — and Realize — Better Futures,’ Walidah Imarisha, OneZero.

The Artist as Critic


‘Oscar Wilde on Art and Cultivating the Crucial Temperament of Receptivity,’ Maria Popova, The Marginalian.

The Source of Self-Regard, “The Individual Artist,” (p 58-63), Toni Morrison.

‘President John F. Kennedy: Remarks at Amherst College,’ October 26th, 1963, National Endowment for the Arts. Read the transcript or listen online here

Bruce Lee, The Artist of Life, edited by John Little.

Further Reading

‘The Critic as Artist,’ Oscar Wilde.

‘JFK on Poetry, Power, and the Artist’s Role in Society: His Eulogy for Robert Frost, One of the Greatest Speeches of All Time,’ Maria Popova, The Marginalian

‘Fehinti Balogun: How to find your voice for climate action’ Ted Talk 

Art Matters: because your imagination can change the world. Neil Gaiman, illustrated by Chris Riddel. 

Draw Your Weapons, Sarah Sentilles. 

The Artist as Historian


The Devil’s Dictionary, Ambrose Bierce, 1906.

Anthills of the Savannah, Chinua Achebe, 1987.

‘Chinua Achebe Politics of Art,’ Charles Trueheart, The Washington Post, 16 February, 1988.

‘Iris Murdoch on Storytelling, Why Art Is Essential for Democracy, and the Key to Good Writing.’ The Marginalian, Maria Popova.

‘A Portrait of the Artist as Historian: On Shen Jiawei and His History Painting,’ Shuyu Kong, Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol 18, N. 5, Sept/Oct 2019.

‘Ai Weiwei, Remembering and the Politics of Dissent,’ JP McMahon, Smart History, The Centre for Public Art History.

‘An Artist’s Duty,’ interview with Nina Simone,  

Further Resources

Poems and Parables on the Political Utility of Art, Karl Katz Lyden.

“Theses on the Philosophy of History.” Illuminations, Benjamin, Walter. 

“The Artist as Historian.” Godfrey, Mark. October Spring, (2007): 140-172. The Frankfurt School

‘Africa and Her Writers,’ Chinua Achebe, The Massachusetts Review, Vol. 14, No. 3 (Summer, 1973), pp. 617-629.

‘‘It is the memory of the people’: unpacking Iraq’s artistic heritage,’ The Guardian, 27 October 2022. 

The Artist as Translator


‘The Role of Art in Life,’ Maya Angelou, keynote speech delivered at the seventh annual convention presented by National Association of Local Arts Agencies (NALAA)

‘Ursula K. Le Guin on Art, Storytelling, and the Power of Language to Transform and Redeem,’ The Marginalian, Maria Popova

‘Ocean Vuong: A Life Worthy of Our Breath,’ On Being podcast with Krista Tippett, 22 June 2022 

‘John Lennon decries the role of the artist in his final interview,’ Tom Taylor, Far Out Magazine, 20 December 2021

‘The Design of Dissent: Milton Glaser in conversation with Steven Heller at the Great Hall,’ 

The Cooper Union, 15 Nov 2017

‘Childhood and Poetry,’ Pablo Neruda. Download the pdf

‘The Hand Through the Fence: Pablo Neruda on What a Childhood Encounter Taught Him About Writing and Why We Make Art,’ The Marginalian, Maria Popova.

Further Resources

I Work Like a Gardener, Joan Miro

The Wave in the Mind: Talks and Essays on the Writer, the Reader, and the Imagination, Ursula K. Le Guin

The Role of the Artist


The Shape of Content, Ben Shahn

‘On Nonconformity: Artist Ben Shahn’s Spirited Defense of Nonconformists as Society’s Engine of Growth and Greatness,’ Maria Popova, The Marginalian

‘Artists must confront the climate crisis – we must write as if these are the last days,’ Ben Okri, in the Guardian, 12 November 2021

Further Resources

Make Art Not Content, Father Bronques, 

‘The Future of Time,’ Toni Morrison, Essay from The Source of Self Regard

 ‘Le plus grand défi de l’histoire de l’humanité’ : l’appel de 200 personnalités pour sauver la planète, Le Monde / [Over two hundred artists sign a letter to governments calling for action on climate change, 2018].

Working With Emergence


“Can Emergence be our Saving Grace?”, Anna Katharina Schaffner, Perspectiva       

“The Waste Land,” T.S. Elliot, read it online at The Poetry Foundation

Who Do We Choose To Be, Facing Reality, Claiming Leadership, Restoring Sanity, Margaret Wheatley

“Reclaiming leadership for the human spirit”, Human Current Podcast with Margaret Wheatley, Episode 90                   

“Using Emergence to take Social Innovation to Scale,” by Margaret Wheatley and Deborah Frieze, available here

The Emergent Strategy Ideation Institute,

“We are in a time of new suns, with Adrienne Maree Brown,” OnBeing podcast with Krisa Tippett, 23 June 2022

The Emergence Network,

‘It takes your hand off the panic button’: TS Eliot’s The Waste Land 100 years on,’ Andrew Dickson, The Guardian

Further Resources

“New emerges when the world becomes intelligible,” Bayo Akomolafe, Twenty Thirty magazine 

Emergent Strategy Shaping Change, Changing Worlds, Adrienne Maree Brown

Adrienne Maree Brown: 

Emergence Magazine,

Fragments: The Waste Land 2022 Festival,

In Praise of Lostness


“In Praise of Uncertainty,” John Armstrong, The New Philosopher 36: Uncertainty Rules, June-August 2022

A Field Guide to Getting Lost, Rebecca Solnit

‘Hope, questioning and getting lost with Bayo Akomolafe,’ Finding Our Way Podcast, S2 Ep3

‘Losing Our Way Generously with Bayo Akomolafe,’ The Cosmic Way Podcast

‘Getting Lost’, Bayo Akomolafe, author’s website

‘To Find Your Way, Get Lost,’ Bayo Akomolafe, author’s website

Further Resources

How to disappear, by Haytham El-Wardany, Kayfa Ta Publishing

‘Lost,’ Essay in Perseverance, Margaret Wheatley

Lost and Found: A Memoir, Kathryn Schulz

Lost in Thought, The Hidden Pleasures of an Intellectual Life, Zena Hitz

Climate Change and Uncertainty, Martin Bunzi

“Lost” by David Wagoner, Poem available online

Time to Adapt?


‘Misplaced positivity on climate is harmful. Preparing for breakdown could help,’ Stella Nyambura Mbau,

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC

The United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP, Adaptation and Resilience

‘Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigating Climate Tragedy,’ Professor Jem Bendell, originally published July 27 th 2018, revised 2nd Edition released July 2020. Download here

‘Jem Bendell on Deep Adaptation, Climate Change and Societal Collapse // Acceptance and evolution in the face of global meltdown,’ from the all that we are podcast, with amisha ghadiali, Episode 45 

“Climate change is hitting the planet faster than scientists originally thought,” by Jeff Tollefson for Nature Magazine, 28 February 2022 

Further useful resources

‘Emotional Resilience and the Climate Crisis,’ with Malte Klar, Psychologists for Future

Watch online

Interview with Professor Jem Bendell on Deep Adaptation to climate chaos, by Facing Future TV, 

Climate Change Inaction and Optimism, Philip J. Wilson, Philosophies 2021 Open Access Journal

When Things Fall Apart, Heart advice for difficult times, Pema Chödrön

Finding Our Way, Leadership for an uncertain time, Margaret Wheatley

Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet, Thich Nhat Hanh

A year to Live, How to live this year as if it were your last, Stephen Levine

Seeing With New Eyes


Ways of seeing, John Berger,

Finding Our Way, Leadership for an uncertain time, Margaret Wheatley, quoting Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela, p37.

Zen and the Art of Saving the World, Thich Nhat Hanh

‘Beyond Wrong Perceptions’, Thich Nhat Hanh, Online Philosophy.

‘From the ‘crisis of perception’ to the ‘systems view of life’’, Daniel Christian Wahl, blog.

Further Resources

More Than Objects Gallery, The Rights Studio Festival 2022

‘The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,’ Walter Benjamin, available online

‘Milton Glaser on Art, Technology, and the Secret of Life’ The Marginalian newsletter.

An Ode to Slowness


Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu

The Scent of Time, Byung Chul Han

‘Slowing Down in Urgent Times,’ For the Wild podcast with Bayo Akomolafe, 155, 22 January 2020

‘The Times are urgent, let us slow down,’ by Bayo Akomolafe, author’s website 

 Further Resources

The Burnout Society, Byung Chul Han

‘The Peace of Wild Things,’ by Wendel Berry, animated poem presented by OnBeing in The Pause.

‘F*ck Productivity,’ Michelle Minnikin, Work Pirates, Unf*cking Work.

Poetry as Strategy

‘Poetry Is Not a Luxury,’ Audre Lorde, in Sister Outsider

‘Bodies in Motion, with Pablo Escorcia,’ What Lies Beneath: Movement, The Rights Studio

A Defence of Poetry,  Percy Bysshe Shelley, available online.

‘Seeking Language Large Enough,’ with David Whyte, OnBeing Podcast, May 26, 2022.

L’immortel banni sur terre buvant seul sous la lune, Li Po 

The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon

Bullets, poem by Brayden, animated by Stas Santimov, part of the Preschool Poets, 

Tabula Rasa, Poetry Night, The Rights Studio Festival 2021,

Voices of Future Generations, What Lies Beneath: Movement, poetry contributions from children from around the world.

Towards a Regenerative World

‘Introducing ‘Regenerative,’ the New Climate Buzzword,’ Amanda Little, Bloomberg, 23 November 2021.

“What does ‘regenerative’ thinking mean?” Josie Warden, The Royal Society of the Arts Journal, Issue 4, 2021.

Sacred Instructions, Indigenous Wisdom for Living Spirit-Based Change, Sherri Mitchell, Weh’na Ha’mu Kwasset

Regenerative Leadership, The DNA of life-affirming 21st century organisations, Giles Hutchins and Laura Storm.

Further Resources

The Nation of Plants, A radical manifesto for humans, Stefano Mancuso.

The Burnout Society, Byung Chul Han.


Regenerative Leadership: 

‘The world calls for regenerative leadership,’ by Laura Storm, TedxSlottsparken, 26 Sept 2019. 

Capital Institute:

The Regenerative Economy Collaborative

Take the test: how toxic is your organisation

Improvisation as Liberation

‘After Ideology, or Alterations in Time,’ Hope in the Dark, Rebecca Solnit

‘Jazz Lessons in Human Rights,’ Silence Magazine, CRIN and the Rights Studio

‘Improvisation as Original Ethics: Exploring the Ethical in Heidegger and Gadamer from a Musical Perspective,’ pdf, Sam McAuliffe.

The Philosophy of Improvisation, Gary Peters

International Jazz Day, 30 April 2022:

Further resources

One-Way Street, Walter Benjamin

Dr. Cornel West on free speech, utopian futures and music, Interview on 95bFM, August 15, 2018.

‘Why MLK Believed Jazz Was the Perfect Soundtrack for Civil Rights,’ Ashawnta Jackson, October 16, 2019, JStor Daily

Beauty as Justice


The Book of Hours, Rainer Maria Rilke

“Emerson on What Beauty Really Means, How to Cultivate Its True Hallmarks, and Why It Bewitches the Human Imagination,” The Marginalian, by Maria Popova

Le Livre des Symboles, The Archive for Research and Archetypal Symbolism, Taschen

Saving Beauty, Byung Chul Han. 

Useful Resources

‘Bronte Velez on the Necessity of Beauty, Part 2 [ENCORE]’ For the Wild Podcast with Ayana Young /274

We Contain Multitudes: 

Draw Your Weapons, Sarah Sentilles

Sensuous Knowledge, A Black Feminist Approach for Everyone, Minna Salami

Plum Village podcast on War & Peace, 

The House of Beautiful Business,

“The Power of Aesthetic Force: Anna Deavere Smith and Sarah Lewis on Beauty as a Tool of Justice and a Catalyst for “Nonselfing,” The Marginalian, by Maria Popova

To Be Maladjusted

Vimalakirti and the Awakened Heart, A Commentary on the Sutra that Vimalakirti Speaks, Joan Sutherland.

“Global prevalence and burden of depressive and anxiety disorders in 204 countries and territories in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” The Lancet, Volume 398, ISSUE 10312, P1700-1712, November 06, 2021.

“Adolescent mental health,” World Health Organisation (WHO), 17 November, 2021

“When Martin Luther King, Jr Addressed Social Scientists,” Psychology Today, Full text 

Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet, Thich Nhat Hanh

“Putin and the Power of Collective Action from Shared Awareness — Part 2: The Social Grammar of Creation,” Otto Sharmer, Field of the Future Blog

‘War and Peace,’ Plum Village podcast, Episode 24, 17 March 2022 

Resources for working with climate emotions, The All We Can Save Project x Gen Dread Project 

“Why I stopped reading the news,” The Correspondent, Rolf Dobelli

“Nothing in the news,” Art Project by Joseph Ernst,

The Damage of Binary Thinking

Handcrafted Humanity: 100 Sonnets For A Blunderful World, Abhijit Naskar

‘Saussurean Structuralism,’ Nasrullah Mambrol, Literary Theory and Criticism

‘Derrida: The Father of Deconstruction,’ Jayant Prasad. New Derrida

When Things Fall Apart, Heart advice for difficult times, Pema Chödrön

‘Putin and the Power of Collective Action from Shared Awareness: A 10-Point Meditation on Our Current Moment,’ Otto Sharmer, The Presencing Institute

‘How to Fix a World: A Four-Year-Old’s Prayerful Poem,’ Animated by a Ukrainian Artist, The Marginalian, by Maria Popova

Preschool Poets:

Further resources

‘Who Deserves our Compassion,’ by Obenewa Amponsah, blog post 4 March 2022 

On Tyranny, Twenty lessons from the Twentieth Century, Timothy Snyder

‘Learn the Three Types of Binary Thinking,’ by Clearthinking

Be More Pirate Podcast: The Uncertainty Experts, Alex Barker and Sam Conniff

The Death of Nuance podcast, BBC, with Oliver Burkeman

Rest as Resistance

The Nap Ministry:

Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet, Thick Nhat Hanh

Consolations: The Solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning of Everyday Words, by David Whyte

4000 Weeks, Time and How to Use It, Oliver Burkeman

‘How to Prevent Burnout Among Black Movement Leaders,’ Yes! Magazine, online, Dany Sigwalt, 23 February 2022.

Pause. Rest. Be. Octavia Raheem

The Tyranny of Visibility

The Transparency Society, Byung-Chun Han

Why are young people pretending to love work,” NY Times, Jan. 26, 2019, by Erin Griffith

“The rise of performative work,” The Economist, Jan 8th 2022 edition

Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2022, New Climate Institute

Top corporations use misleading climate pledges to greenwash image,’ Carbon Market Watch“

Celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day: Moving Beyond Performative Activism to Shifting Paradigms,” Cultural Survival

Seeking Simplicity

Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu

Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet, Thich Nhat Hanh

The School of Life, An Emotional Education

Margaret Wheatley, website

How to simplify your life,’ by the School of Life

The Inner Life of Rebellion‘, Parker Palmer + Courtney Martin, On Being podcast, September 22, 2016

Living the Questions

Letters to a Young Poet, Rainer Maria Rilke.

All about love, New Visions, bell hooks

On Connections, Kae Tempest

The Wave in the Mind; Talks and Essays on the Writer, the Reader, and the Imagination, Ursula K. Le Guin

‘What a world you’ve got inside you.’ On Being podcast with Joanna Macy and Anita Barrows, 21 June 2021 

Who Do We Choose to Be, Margaret Wheatley

The Function of Art

The Book of Embraces, Eduardo Galeano, 

Kumi Naidoo in conversation with Olafur Eliasson

‘The Habit of Art,’ in The Source of Self-Regard, Toni Morrison

‘James Baldwin on the Creative Process and the Artist’s Responsibility to Society,’ The Marginalian, by Maria Popova.

Elaine Scarry, quoted in Draw Your Weapons, by Sarah Sentilles

Sensuous Knowledge, Minna Salami

Our Stories, Our Faces, Our Voices; Who Tells Our Story? Reconstructing Children’s Rights Institute, Conversation #4 with Rights Studio Miriam Sugranyes

Stefan Zweig: Farewell to Europe, Director Maria Schrader

The Wave in the Mind, Talks and Essays on the Writer, the Reader and the Imagination, Ursula le Guin.

The Shape of Content, Ben Shahn 

Philosophical Sketches, Susanne K. Langer 

The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction, Walter Benjamin 

Critical hermeneutics, Habermas, Critical hermeneutics

The Culture Industry, Adorno

Eichmann in Jerusalem, A Report on the Banality of Evil, 1963, Hannah Arendt, available online.

Time to Disobey

References and Inspiration

“Letter from a Birmingham Jail [King, Jr.]” Martin Luther King, Jr., 16 April 1963, online

“Deflating the Ruling Elite through Civil Disobedience,” with Chris Hedges, on For the Wild Podcast.

“Civil Disobedience,” Henry David Thoreau, 1849

Reflections on Civil Disobedience, Hannah Arendt, September 4, 1970, The New Yorker

The Transmission of the Revolutionary Spirit: Reflections on Civil Disobedience

in Hannah Arendt, Stefania Fantauzzi, University of Barcelona, Online

Useful resources to inspire disobedience

Creative Civil Disobedience, Vandana Shiva

The Seeds of Vandana Shiva, Documentary Film, 2021, Documentary Film 

Stand with Standing Rock:

The Revolution Will Not Be Funded. Beyond the Non-profit industrial complex.” Edited by INCITE! Women of colour against violence.

Tools for Civil Disobedience, Beautiful Trouble,

Fridays for Future – Take Action:

Be More Pirate – join the network: 

Note: this is just a snapshot, if you’d like us to add further resources to this list, do share them with us.

Working with Impossible

Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll

The Uncertainty Experts, Sam Conniff and team:

“The climate crisis is a governance crisis,” by Juha Leppänen, Demos Helsinki

Forum for Social Innovation Sweden, Social Innovation Foresight #1, with Johanna Koljonen, Roope Mokka, Cassie Robinson and Geoff Mulgan.

A General Theory of Possibility: The Abstract Art of Otherwise and the Physics of Resilience, The Marginalian, Maria Popova

World Uncertainty Index,

Collective Intelligence Design Playbook, Nesta.

“Disrupting adultism in the climate change conversation,” Rejuvenate

“Pourquoi la COP26 sera un échec,” Jean-Claude Vignoli, personal blog

The Art of Conversation

“Glasgow’s 2030 credibility gap: net zero’s lip service to climate action,” Climate Action Tracker.

“From Hero to Host,” Interview and other writings by Margaret Wheatley available on her website.

“La morale de Sartre . Une reconstruction,” Gerhard Seel, Le Portique, revue de philosophie et sciences humaines,

“Why we contradict ourselves and confound others,” Daniel Kahneman in the On Being podcast.

“Nothing tastes as good as feminist accountability feels,” Leila Billing, online

We are Feminist Leaders, 

La Passagère du silence, Fabienne Verdier, Livre de Poche, and her website:

“Anthropology and the study of contradictions,” Edited by David B, Université Libre de

Bruxelles. Available online.

“The Conscience of Words,” from At the Same Time, Essays and Speeches by Susan Sontag, Picador.

“Perception and the Power of the Critical Imagination: Alfred Kazin on Embracing Contradiction and How the Sacredness of Human Attention Shapes Our Reality,” Maria Popova in Brainpickings.

The Trees are Gardening Us

‘Everything I Need to Know I Learned in the Forest,’ Vandana Shiva, Yes! Magazine
“Restoring natural forests is the best way to remove atmospheric carbon,” Nature Magazine, April 2019 

‘Why Green Pledges Will Not Create the Natural Forests We Need,’ Yale School of the Environment.

The Nation of Plants, A radical manifesto for humans, Stefano Mancuso

Forest and tree symbolism in folklore, J. Crews

Interview with Amitav Ghosh: The Crisis of Imagination, De Balie

The Rights Studio Festival, Living Objects, a digital forest exhibition exploring the connections between technology and climate change, and the lessons we can learn from the oldest storytellers in our world – trees.

UNESCO World Heritage Forests 

Entangled Life: How Fungi make our worlds, change our minds, and shape our futures, Merlin Sheldrake

Trees are wired for wisdom, On Being podcast with Forest Ecologist, Suzanne Simard

The Hidden Life of Trees : What They Feel, How They Communicate – Discoveries from a Secret World, Peter Wohlleben

The Romance of the Trees, Pleasure Garden, October 2018

The (Lost) Art of Conversation

Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Mystery and Art of Living, Krista Tippett

Holding Oneself Open in a Conversation, Gadamer’s Philosophical Hermeneutics and the Ethics of Dialogue, Scherto Gill, available on Researchgate

To Speak or not to Speak, Edition 13, Thursday Thoughts, Obenewa Amponsah

Thich Nhat Hanh on the Art of Deep Listening and the 3 Buddhist Steps to Repairing a Relationship, Brainpickings by Maria Popova

The art of conversation, John Armstrong, The Conversation

Rene Magritte, ‘The Art of Conversation

‘Why conversations are often boring,’ The School of Life

‘The Art of Conversation: Timeless, Timely Do’s and Don’ts from 1866,’  Project Gutenberg

Why We Walk

Wanderlust, A History of Walking, Rebecca Solnit

A Field Guide to Getting Lost, Rebecca Solnit

Walking, H. D. Thoreau, published in the Atlantic

Bashō and the Aesthetics of Wandering: Recuperating Space, Recognizing Place, and Following the Ways of the Universe, Thomas Heyd, available online

Songline, Common Ground,

The Poetry Foundation, Matsuo Basho,

Unlearning to Grow

Manish Jain

Manish Jain in conversation with Rob Hopkins, “Our work is to recover wisdom and imagination”

Radical Unlearning, Anjali Nath Upadhyay on For the Wild podcast

“The Problem with learning is unlearning”, Mark Bonchek, Harvard Business Review

Beauty as Intervention

Sensuous Knowledge, A Black Feminist Approach for Everyone, by Minna Salami

Consolation; The solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning of Everyday Words, David Whyte

Becoming Wise, An Inquiry into the Mystery and Art of Living, Krista Tippett

Beautiful Trouble,

On the necessity of beauty, Bronte Velez, For the Wild Podacst

On William Morris, The Collector, and The Art Story

Art, Sexuality and Queer Culture, a history of LGBT+ artists, The Boar, University of Warwick

The Birth of Black is Beautiful Movement, BBC

The Trees are Gardening Us

‘Everything I Need to Know I Learned in the Forest,’ Vandana Shiva, Yes! Magazine

‘Restoring natural forests is the best way to remove atmospheric carbon,’ Nature Magazine, April 2019 

‘Why Green Pledges Will Not Create the Natural Forests We Need,’ Yale School of the Environment.

The Nation of Plants, A radical manifesto for Humans, Stefano Mancuso

Forest and tree symbolism in folklore, J. Crews

Interview with Amitav Ghosh: The Crisis of Imagination, De Balie

The Rights Studio Festival, Living Objects, a digital forest exhibition exploring the connections between technology and climate change, and the lessons we can learn from the oldest storytellers in our world – trees.

UNESCO World Heritage Forests 

Further inspiration

Entangled Life: How Fungi make our worlds, change our minds, and shape our futures, Merlin Sheldrake

Trees are wired for wisdom, On Being podcast with Forest Ecologist, Suzanne Simard

The Hidden Life of Trees : What They Feel, How They Communicate – Discoveries from a Secret World, Peter Wohlleben

The Romance of the Trees, Pleasure Garden, October 2018