Our residencies seek to support artists and creatives to explore art for human, children, and nature’s rights activism.
The aim is to develop projects around rights that are engaging and inspiring. We provide a framework within which to support them but give them full artistic control over what they do and how. The only conditions are that it is an issue that affects people globally, and the finished product can be freely accessible and in open-source format.
Current Residency

Breaking Gender
Breaking Gender is a queer-feminist art project.
Let‘s break down the cis-tem?
The project of Luka, Franka, Luisa and Dario will reimagine gender through performance, film and art. Discover more here.

Do they really want to know how we feel?
Climate anxiety and solastalgia are establishing themselves as new terms in psychology. This emotionality is becoming more and more palpable within the climate debate, but without receiving sufficient recognition.
The immersive installation by photographer Frederick Herrmann aims to make this condition of the so-called Gen Z tangible. More here.

Sound Rights
We often use words and pictures to describe our world and our experiences in it. But sounds can affect us profoundly, they can express things that we find hard to put on paper or into words. More here.
Past Residencies

The Red Cloud: Tackling period poverty and stigma
This book aims to raise awareness on the issue of period poverty and stigma, increase accessibility of information, encourage conversation and empower readers through content such as reflective exercises, crowd-sourced stories, interviews and more. More here.